Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has become a trend setter of sorts. Be it her films or her endorsements, Deepika Padukone continues to do things which are out of the orbit. Recently the ace actress came on board as the brand ambassador of the sports brand Nike. The brand is known for having leading sports persons from across the world as ambassadors and this is the first time they have a Bollywood celebrity on board. Deepika Padukone Being a badminton player herself, Deepika has a very high sports connect. She often talks about sports and is also well connected in the fraternity. The brand did an extensive survey before taking this decision. It was a big step for them as they would be altering their policy and were initially apprehensive to change their stance. However, after much discussion the brand Nike felt that Deepika Padukone brings on board the perfect connect and glamour. She currently has highest youth connect amongst audiences at large. Nik...
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