BENGALURU: Indian online shoppers would ideally like to push the button on their purchase and hear the doorbell chime immediately after, announcing delivery. That's not going to happen anytime soon but e-tailers, led by Flipkart, are trying to get as close as they can. The country's largest online retailer is figuring out how it can get goods to the customer's doorstep in as little as three hours. Bengaluru-based Flipkart is evaluating which products and cities it can start with even as it considers pricing for the service, which ET learns could be rolled out in the coming six months. "We have to figure out the technology, pricing for these services," said Sujeet Kumar, head of WS Retail and ekart Logistics. "Such deliveries are necessity driven —say a thing a customer wants to gift or something he needs immediately ." Kumar, who joined Flipkart in 2008, declined to put a date on when the logistics arm, ekart, could start ...
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